This year, my children will be taking part in the CILIP Shadowing Scheme organised by our local library to follow the Kate Greenaway Award. They will be looking at this year's shortlisted books, writing reviews, researching the artists, designing their own covers and voting for a group winner using the same criteria as the real judges.
The Kate Greenaway Medal was established in 1955 and is awarded for distinguished illustration in a children's book. It has had some well-known winners in the past, such as Helen Oxenbury, Shirley Hughes and Quentin Blake. Librarians select a short-list from the many books submitted and follow strict judging criteria to decide the winner.
Not all the selected picture books are aimed at young children, in fact there are three aimed at the 10+ age group. Older children love picture books too :) This year's shortlist is:
You can shadow the award in your own family and set up an account on the CILIP website. TYour children will be able to submit their own work and post their own reviews. There are free resources available too :)
The Kate Greenaway Award runs alongside the Carnegie Award, Britain's longest running and most prestigious children's book award. You can see all the past winners of the Kate Greenaway Medal here. How many have you read?
Tempted to shadow this except I don't think our library does a shadowing scheme. I must ask. Have you heard the Read Aloud Revival podcasts? There is now a facebook page for British fans and there has been discussion about some of the authors that you feature.