Friday, 22 November 2013

Announcing Picture Book Explorers :D

Picture Book Explorer guides are a new learning tool aimed primarily at Home Educators but are equally as useful to any parent wishing to broaden their child's educational horizons beyond the confines of the National Curriculum. The guides are written by a Home Educator of 20 years (and counting) and are thoroughly tested by her two youngest children along with a number of other families of varying sizes and age groups. Each one costs only £2 and provides you with a minimum of a week's worth of cross-curricular activity/lesson suggestions.  And it's all complete with the necessary printables. All you need to do is gather together the required cooking ingredients, craft materials and, of course, the relevant picture book.

I am excited and proud to announce the release of the first selection from Series 1. This series will take you on a tour of the British Isles via the world of quality children's picture books. Other titles will be released on a monthly basis with more series to follow in the future. 

Picture Book Explorers guides are exclusively available at Currclick.  Please check out the About Picture Book Explorers tab for more information.

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